Sunday, August 16, 2015

No Shadows

Interesting thought...Light doesn't have a shadow. 

Monday, August 3, 2015

Reflex Spiritual Dystrophy

My son has a very rare nerve disease. It is called RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy). He has had it since a wrestling injury his seventh grade year of middle school. Long story short, it attacks the nervous system after some type of trauma and fools the brain by sending constant pain signals from an injury that has technically healed. The pain signals grow to become hundreds of times worse than the actual injury could cause. It conditions the body to feel pain in extreme amounts over the smallest of stimuli. There is no known cure. Medications do not work. He is constantly fatigued, experiences chronic pain, and the acute pain comes and goes with even the slightest of agitation. The disease sends a false message to the brain and the brain is conditioned to believe it, therefore cause the experience of REAL pain. To onlookers, he seems to be a healthy, strong, and vibrant young man, but internally…his pain is more extreme and debilitating that anyone could ever imagine.

I have been evaluating my own spiritual life and literally falling at the altar praying over the fatigue and frustration I have been dealing with from the recent, actually ongoing over the last several years, attacks of Satan. The Holy Spirit sweetly enlightened me to the tools Satan has been using in my life. I have had several “traumas” over my adult life that Satan has tried to injure and cripple me with. God has graciously given me strength to recognize these tactics and kept me safe from actually breaking, BUT….

Satan is crafty. He has secretly been poking at me for years.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

3 am honesty...

3 am honesty... In the moments of silence, back hurting-not sure if it's indigestion or anxiety, because it's piercing through my chest and ribs- I'm trying not to feel like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders. 

All I really want right now is relief...

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Is Fear Your Idol?

Is fear your idol? As ridiculous as that sounds, many of us are unknowingly allowing fear to become idols in our life.

I sit looking at a list of bills that are bigger than I am. My days have been full of worry, frustration, and pure exhaustion from try to

Monday, February 16, 2015

Revelation Dance

Your DAILY shine has ended up more like a 'ONCE IN A BLUE MOON' shine. Between a new marriage that turned into being abandoned by the man I though would be my knight in shining armor to going back to school to pursue my bachelors degree to just the demand of being a working, single mother of three teenagers...pick your excuse.

One thing has remained consistent and faithful even in my lack thereof...God and His faithfulness!