Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Why Do You Read the Bible?

Why do you read the Bible? It almost seems like one of those, "stupid" questions because everyone knows the answer. But, do you?

Even as I pose the question, I have to stop...

What is my answer?........................ What IS my answer?.................................. What is YOUR answer?...
Now, I know you are waiting for my answer...aren't you? The Bible was God's gift to us; a kind of glimpse into the heart of God. But, are we really valuing it as such?

Friday, February 17, 2012

What's Your Season?

Just the title brings a melody to mind. "To everything... turn, turn, turn. There is a season...." As I post to SHINE for the first time in over a year, these words come immediately to heart. If you have followed SHINE in the past, you know that I have been very open and honest about the joys, sorrows, triumphs, and struggles of my spiritual life. Abandoning SHINE or the ministry I know God has for me in it, has never been my intention. But of course, as Satan is the supreme first thought would be of guilt and shame that I could not be consistent throughout this past year with SHINE. Thus, the song running through my head: "To everything.... there is a season."